Advantages and disadvantages of different shuttle less modern weaving machines

What is shuttle less weaving machine?

Shuttle less looms are those loom where shuttle is not used for weft insertion. Instead different other mechanisms are used (like- rapier, jet etc.) are used for this purpose.

Types of shuttle less modern loom:

  • Projectile loom
  • Rapier loom
  • Jet loom 

Advantages and disadvantages of different shuttle less modern weaving machines

Projectile loom:

Advantages and disadvantages of different shuttle less modern weaving machines
Projectile loom


·         As it is a shutteless loom, it completely eliminates the need of using pirn winding machine.

·         High speed process, so less time needed for production.

·         Increased productivity.

·         Some issues that is related to shuttle (like- shuttle flying out) can be eliminated.

·         Overall increase inefficiency.

·         Multiple width fabric can be produced with a maximum fabric width of 5.45 m.


·         High initial investment.

·         Skilled personnel needed for initial setup.

·         Noisier, compared to jet and rapier loom. 

       Also read: Types of weaving machine according to weft insertion mechanism

Rapier loom:

Advantages and disadvantages of different shuttle less modern weaving machines
Rapier loom


·         High speed compared to projectile loom.

·         Flexible and telescopic rapier can significantly reduce the space consumption.

·         Less noisy compared to projectile loom.

·         Multi-color weft insertion can also be done.

·         Fabric width can be 60", 68", 72", 76", 84", 92", 102", 110", 120".


·         Costly compared to projectile loom.

·         Skilled personnel needed for initial setup and operation.

Jet loom:

Advantages and disadvantages of different shuttle less modern weaving machines
Jet loom


·         Jet loom is the fastest single phase loom.

·         Less noisy.

·         Fabric width can vary 122 cm to 360 cm.

·         Multiple can be produced.

·         Low noise and high production level.


·         Water jet loom cannot be used for hydrophobic fabric.

·         It’s a more sophisticated machine.

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